
Amazon Training with Jason Tay

How to sell on Amazon.com from

anywhere in the world

When starting an Amazon FBA business, it helps to go through a course that will give you a basic understanding of the entire process. We highly recommend Jason Tay’s Amazon Seller Live Training. Jason has been selling online since 2013, and is one of the top Amazon sellers from Singapore.

Mention “The Asian Seller” when registering for the course to receive a bonus one-on-one session with Jason

Live Amazon training with Jason Tay

If you’re looking for a live online training, we highly recommend Jason Tay’s Amazon Seller Live Training.

Jason has been selling online since 2013, and is one of the top Amazon sellers from Singapore.

His training comprises a 2-day class held in a small group, followed by 4 sessions of personal 1-to-1 consultations, and continued support through a dedicated, closed Facebook group and direct private messaging and email (which makes it an amazing value for course attendees)

The aim of the training is to help sellers:

  • Gain a good, practical understanding of the Amazon marketplace
  • Start and scale a business using Amazon as a sales channel

What you will learn

  • Foundations of e-commerce and understanding Amazon
  • How to research, analyze and choose what to sell, and what not to sell
  • Sourcing for products
  • Branding and product packaging
  • Creating an optimized product listing
  • Shipping inventory to amazon
  • Product launch and promotions
  • Four 1-to-1 consultations to help you as you apply what was learnt. This can be used for any area you choose such as validating product analysis selection, keyword optimization, amazon PPC advertising, and more. The 1-to-1 is invaluable and something you will rarely find included in any course.

Jason gives wide-ranging advice for new sellers just starting their eCommerce journey

Check out what Amazon Sellers have to say

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Mention “The Asian Seller” when registering for the course to receive a bonus one-on-one session with Jason

India Sourcing Network