
Here’s How Overseas eCommerce Sellers Can Incorporate a Company in Singapore

In this podcast episode, Eric Eio, a Chartered Accountant and founder of Paul Hype Page & Co. shares advice on how overseas Amazon and eCommerce sellers can set up a company in Singapore. 

He also talks about the requirements for overseas entrepreneurs who want to incorporate in Singapore, and the differences with Hong Kong.

Eric Eio, Paul Hype - The Asian Seller

Eric helped me incorporate my company, and I highly recommend his comapny’s services. Right from the beginning of the process, Eric and his team were patient, thorough and extremely efficient. As Eric is an entrepreneur himself, he understands the pain points and struggles of a new business owner. 

Eric brings many years of experience from the Big 4s (Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers). He was awarded the Practicing Management Consultant in July ’12 & voted as Advisory Panel for Singapore SME 500.

Episode highlights: 

  1. ​Eric’s background
  2. Why should overseas entrepreneurs set up a company in Singapore?
  3. Is Singapore a tax haven? Why are corporate taxes much lower than other countries? 
  4. Typically, what types of businesses set up companies in Singapore 
  5. How to incorporate a company in Singapore? 
  6. How easy is it to open a bank account? 
  7. Differences with Hong Kong 
  8. How can local Singaporeans and PRs incorporate a company?
  9. Accounting advice for small businesses
  10. Do eCommerce sellers need to pay GST in Singapore? 
  11. Effects of COVID-19 on business in general
  12. Why it’s a good time to start an eCommerce business 

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