
Meghla & Payman chat on Leaders with a Heart Podcast

The Asian Seller Founder, Meghla Bhardwaj was interviewed by Payman Lorenzo.

Meghla shared a bit about her journey from who she is and her transition from being a journalist to the business woman she is now.

She also talks about her experience of Sourcing From India VS China, advantages & for what type of products it is best for. Meghla shared about her soon to be launched brand.

Meghla- Payman- The asian seller

Episode Highlights:

  • Transition From Being A Journalist To The Business Woman She Is Now
  • Sourcing From India VS China, Advantages and For What Type Of Products It Is Best For
  • Personal Tragedy As The Root For The Inspiration To A More Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  • The Importance Of Legacy & The Power Of Impact
  • Sponsoring Kids' Education In New Delhi For A Year In Her First India Sourcing Trip
  • The Unforgettable Experience Of Visiting These Kids At Their School
  • Education, The Key To Arising Above Poverty
  • Doing Good With Your Business Is Not Only The Right   Thing To Do As A Human Being But Also Very Good For     Business!
  •  Most Impactful Lesson Learned Over The Past 12 Months
  •  What Kept You Going In That Very Challenging Time?
  • ​ Involving Her Son Into The Business At An Early Age
  • ​ Best Way To Reach Meghla.
  • ​ Tip For Someone Looking To Feel More Fulfilment In Their Business and Life By Adding A Cause To Their Business.

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