
Amazon’s Updated Messaging Guidelines: What You Need to Know

On this episode of The Asian Seller podcast, Suzanne Smith, Director of Customer Success at eComEngine talks to us about Amazon’s updated communication guidelines for buyer-seller messages

Suzanne explains what you should know about these guidelines for both direct communication and indirect communication.

Suzanne smith-the asian seller

Amazon defines two types of Buyer-Seller Messages. Both are considered direct communication with buyers

Permitted Messages: Communications necessary to complete an order or respond to a customer service inquiry.

You can only send Permitted Messages to customers who contact you about purchasing a product or who have already purchased an item from you on Amazon. These messages are specific to an order and must be sent from your seller account.

Proactive Permitted Messages: Communications initiated by sellers that are not responses to a buyer’s question.

These can be sent via email and must be sent within 30 days of order completion. 

Episode highlights: 

  • Introduction - Suzanne’s background 
  • What are the changes announced by Amazon, and when do they go into effect
  • How can sellers send messages? Are third-party tools allowed?
  • What should sellers be aware to ensure they don’t get restricted
  • What is the safest or best way to send feedback and review requests
  • About eComEngine

More information: 

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